By Adam Doeler


I’ve always felt it–the first year I was like “Oh my god this shop’s amazing! I love it so much. It’s everything I wanted it to be!” and I was touched by every interaction I had. But then after the first year–keep going–it’s hard to do something every day, all the time, without making any money. You know, I’ve been broke for three years. And before that I was broke for three years (while starting another business). And my family lives in Pakistan so I couldn’t go visit them for a while. And I couldn’t really travel at all, and I love travelling. So I was giving up a lot of things that I really love to do, and now I’m starting to feel like I can get those things back. Hannah (an amazing employee) ran the shop this summer and I rode a bicycle from Berlin to Copenhagen… and that was really awesome! But I couldn’t have done that two years ago. I had to be realistic: “I’m going to work hard now and it’ll pay off eventually. I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel.”