By Adam Doeler


It’s not shameful to keep your day job at the beginning. I felt like I was a failure after two months I wasn’t able to sustain myself, which in hindsight is crazy! It takes a while. Having that other job in the beginning takes you away from this for a few hours. You may feel really stressed out when you get home like, “I haven’t done anything for the business, I haven’t done anything for the business” but in the beginning when no one is going to your site, when the big promo thing you thought was going to be the best thing in the world kind of falls flat you’re going to be sitting there at your computer or constantly checking your Instagram for likes and freaking out that maybe no one likes you, your other job is a good distraction. It allows you to talk to people about other things that maybe then clears your head a little bit and then you’ll get a moment of inspiration. The more you add people and energy into your life, the more you feel like you can get out there and share what you’re trying to do.