By Adam Doeler


I was on tour with bands for 10 years before this - that was my gig, that was my world. Then I met my wife and I was like–well, I need to marry this girl, so I need to get a real job and I need to figure out what that’s going to be. I had a million things I wanted to do, I was kind of struggling. So, I helped my friend open a barbershop and I was like: Maybe I could do this.

I love telling stories, I love hearing other stories and growing with clients. It’s cool, it’s like “I’ve got a first date; I’m going to ask her to marry me; it’s my two year wedding anniversary.” I love that, you really watch these people grow. I’m cutting kids’ first haircuts and hopefully I’ll be cutting for their high school graduation photos. It’s a neat thing to grow with a community and grow with people.